Saturday, May 8, 7 PM - 11 PM Central
The Triumvirate of Miami would like to invite all Kindred in good standing to Grove Isle, a small island just south west of Miami. From here you will be able to board the SS Serenity, a massive 300’ foot Oceanco mega-yacht and celebrate Cinco de Mayo hidden safely on the waters of Biscayne Bay. We have spared no expense and there will be three additional private sect designated yachts, with a team of ghouls and transport ships to ferry you between them.
Titus Woodward
Camarilla Prince and â…“ of the Miami Triumvirate
OOC Notable Information: Titus is an ancillae Ventrue. Pronounces: He/Him
Anarch Baron and â…“ of the Miami Triumvirate
OOC Notable Information: Skylar is an ancillae Brujah. Pronouns: They/Them
Zarita Ortolano
Independent Alliance Prince and â…“ of the Miami Triumvirate
OOC Notable Information: Zarita is a Lasombra Neonate. Pronouns: She/Her
The following teasers are for each major sect. You should only read the one appropriate to the character you intend to play at the Spring ONE event. Otherwise you may spoil the surprises.